Sunday, March 2, 2008

March 2 - Mad Artist

This week finds the Pink Princess coloring like a madwoman! She will choose one color and color an entire book from cover to cover. She'll color standing, sitting and even lying down. She'll color at her little table, at the coffee table and even on the floor. So tonight, I captured her in one of her "moments" her table, at the coffee table and even on the coffee table. (Isn't she a doll with her hair tied up? That's the first time we tried it...too stinkin' cute if I say so myself.)

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Aileigh said...

Seriously cute! But she *is* your daughter! You are a pretty cute slant eye if I do say so!

Hugs and Love,

Darcy @ m3b said...

Oh my, I just can't wait to finally meet this little girl and mooch her. ;)

Anonymous said...

I miss you! She's the sweetest, truely the sweetest!
