Friday, March 21, 2008

March 15 - Freddy the Fish...RIP

Freddy the Fish was the Mickster's first pet ever. Freddy came to live with us just a little under a year ago. Saturday morning ritual, Round Eye and the Mickster were cleaning out Freddy's bowl when suddenly...This is their account of the accident...

"We poured Freddy into another container to hang out while we cleaned out his bowl and pebbles. As we were washing out his bowl, Freddy jumped out from his temporary housing and fell 3 feet to the tiled floor. I picked him up and while I had him in the palm of my hand he arched back and leapt up and down into the sink full of warm, soapy dishwater. I frantically searched for him but with the bubbles floating on top I couldn't see him. I tried feeling for Freddy but he kept swimming away. That's when you came in and started scooping the bubbles to the other sink. You saw that I finally found him and rinsed him off under the running water and placed him back into his fresh water bowl. But Freddy didn't look so well. His gills were not moving as much and he just sank to the bottom. You saw that I kept stirring to get him to move to get all that water out of his system, but his breathing was very labored and with tiny bubbles escaping his mouth (or that's what it looked like). He was in bad shape. It didn't look good. He hung on for another 2 hours before taking a ride on the porcelain express."

So his death was slow and painful (I'm sure of it.). His death first looked to be a suicide but was later officially ruled involuntary fishslaughter. His death while tragic probably saved lives. Okay, not really but it was fun to quote from "A Few Good Men".

Freddy is survived by his brother, Freddy's Brother. (Yes, that's his name.) To Freddy the Fish, may you rest in peace wherever the tides of the porcelain express took you.

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littlewonders said...

Oh poor Freddy, that sounds just awful! Bless his little heart.

karinco said...

I remember losing my first pet (a hamster or was it a gerbil? Maybe it was a turtle..oh well..) the point is it is heartbreaking. Poor little Mickster. Rest in Peace Freddy!

Anonymous said...

Poor Freddy.

What bad luck to jump into a sink full of bubbles.

Aileigh said...

RIP Freddy! As tragic as this has been for you guys and Mickster, I had to laugh at your account of what happened! You are too funny!

Hugs and Love,

Weerock said...

OMG Jac...that is hysterical. I keep waiting for Shy to bite the dust - but I hope it's not that way - or Leighton will FLIP out!

Poor Freddy.
